I saw a lot of confused faces staring at this engine at the show. Hard to see the By Pass oil filter (upper left corner of
engine compartment or the engine pre-oiler (upper right corner of the engine compartment) due to all of the copper
tubing and attachments for the GEET system. Peak mileage here so far has been 57 MPG on 87 octane gasoline. In case
you're unfamiliar with GEET systems here are some details. Stainless bottle sporting the AMSOIL sticker holds water and
the small sipi-mug in the upper right corner of the engine compartment holds low grade oil. These are metered slowly
into the GEET reactor via of those valves connected to the copper tubes just to the right and above the generator. The
GEET reactor is located in the tailpipe (not shown). The jar located in front of the By Pass oil filter in the upper
left corner of the engine compartment is only a sight jar and to cool the GEET gases prior to entering the intake.
There is also a hydrogen dry cell under the back seat which is not visible here, but feeds the hydrogen to the
carburetor via of a vacuum line which is hard to see in this picture. More information: Hydrogen
Hybrid Automobiles of East Texas Club Website (opens in a new window).