Picture 14

Engine in the engine compartment. If you do something like this expect some things to not work out as expected. That radiator was way too small to cool this engine. Once I got the right radiator, an aluminum one, it still needed a fan shroud and electric fans to make sure and keep the engine cool. I eventually removed that A/C compressor and plan to run that compressor on a different Gremlin I own. That intake was removed later and it eventually ended up with a Torker intake manifold. That 600 vacuum secondary Holley carburetor was removed for an Edelbrock 750 CFM carburetor. I later removed that Edelbrock 750 and put it on my other Gremlin. On this Gremlin I was happier with a Proform 750 carburetor. Despite both the Edelbrock and Proform being rated at 750 CFM, the barrels were clearly larger on the Proform 4 barrel which has mechanical progressive linkages that enable all 4 barrels to open in unison.

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